“I suppose our lot in life is to parcel out our bodies, or our brains, or our souls, to earn a living, so as to survive another day”
In the evening I walked around. I choked on the generator fumes from a food cart. I suppose our lot in life is to parcel out our bodies, or our brains, or our souls, to earn a living, so as to survive another day.
Something interesting from <http://tuckermax.me/how-crowdfunding-will-change-the-world-part-1-marketing-or-how-growth-hacking-changed-my-life/>:
“That world is dead. Of course it’s still here in many ways, and it will take decades for the transition to fully shift, but 20th century consumer culture is done. The icons and dreams of the Baby Boomers are not reflected in their children and grandchildren; Boomers want stuff, Millennials want experiences and relationships. Boomers care about owning; Millennials prefer sharing and access, not ownership. Boomers derive status and identity from their job titles and school affiliations; Millenials derive their status and identity from doing meaningful things that help other people, or sharing creations that bring enjoyment to their friends.”